There are many different types of fasteners available on the market today. However, some jobs require metric-sized fasteners. Located in Canton, MA, Electronic Fasteners has the superior metric abilities to provide you with the right products for a diverse range of applications.
Our fastener product metric abilities for Fort Wayne, Indiana, means you’ll get the right nuts, bolts, screws, washers, rivets, pins, and the tools to secure them in the exact metric size you need – the first time, every time. Because our team of fastener experts has a thorough knowledge of both English and metric specifications, you’ll receive the right metric components when needed. We take the guesswork out of properly sizing components so we can ship them from stock almost immediately, expediting delivery and ensuring that you can complete your manufacturing or assembly jobs correctly and on time.
Our Fort Wayne, Indiana metric abilities enable us to stock the most comprehensive inventory of stainless steel, nylon, silicone, brass, and aluminum fasteners in the broadest range of metric sizes. We’re the fastener professionals to help you get the right metric components for your product or system. From standard to custom and specialty fasteners, hardware, and tools; exotic metals; and close tolerance fasteners, our metric abilities for Fort Wayne, Indiana beat the competition. Contact the fastener pros at Electronic Fasteners to see how we can help your next project.