Hand Cleaner for New London, Connecticut

hand cleanerHeadquartered in Canton, MA, One Monroe EFI can help you provide the safe working environment required by the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). Addressing hand hygiene and the use of hand cleaners in the workplace is an essential part of this, especially as the COVID-19 pandemic transformed how we work and the safety precautions we take.

Over the past few years, hand sanitizers have become a go-to cleaner because of their convenience and effectiveness. These alcohol-based products don’t require water to activate or rinse, and they come in a variety of convenient packaging. Best of all, they’re highly effective against pathogens because they:

  • Kill germs safely and effectively at the most critical point of infection – your hands
  • Come in a variety of formulations designed to address the needs of a wide range of workplaces and users
  • Minimize waste generated by the use of wipes and paper towels needed for other cleansing agents

To be clear, not all waterless hand cleaners, are hand sanitizers. Most hand sanitizers are not formulated to remove grease and dirt from the hands, requiring other products to get the job done. Industrial waterless cleaners are types of soaps that remove heavy-duty grease and grime from hands without needing to rinse with water after use. These heavy-duty products are generally a crème formula that contains pumice or citrus solvents, ingredients that are more effective at removing tough grease and grime.

The pumice is a mild abrasive that when the hands are rubbed vigorously together, physically scrubs grease and grime from the hands. Waterless cleaners with ingredients that contain citrus solvents will clean hands effectively because the solvents work to dissolve the grease. Pre-moistened towels and wipes are also considered to be waterless hand cleaner.

In addition to commercial and industrial hand cleaners, we also stock a full line of NSF-certified commercial and industrial hand sanitizers for use in workplaces ranging from professional offices to manufacturing plants. Why is NSF certification important? Because products certified by the NSF testing labs comply with strict standards and procedures to ensure they perform as specified. This is especially critical in manufacturing and handling consumables, such as food products and pharmaceuticals.

Good workplace hand hygiene starts at One Monroe EFI. Contact us today to learn more about finding the correct hand cleaner for your plant or facility.

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