Vendor managed inventory you can maintain

Vendor managed inventory you can maintain

Vendor-managed inventory (VMI) is a fairly recent business model strategy that features a pro-active vendor/customer relationship in which the vendor actively maintains a level of product in stock for the customer, eliminating concern for running out of a particular...
Industrial tools and the products we offer

Industrial tools and the products we offer

With a name like Electronic Fasteners, it can be surprising to some people that we actually offer an astonishing variety of industrial tools and products other than just fasteners. We thought we’d take this opportunity to let both current customers, as well as,...
The world of washers and how to apply them

The world of washers and how to apply them

If you’re completely new to the fastener industry, we should start with a basic definition of a washer. It’s generally a circular piece of steel, aluminum, nylon or rubber with a hole in the center that is used in conjunction with a nut and a bolt to help...

Vendor Managed Inventory

Vendor managed inventory (VMI) has become the accepted practice in many industries for managing the manufacture, distribution, and stocking of parts and components. What was once considered almost a novelty is now considered an effective and cost-efficient strategy...